My Guest Today
Scrum master and agile practitioner Ana Lobo. Ana and I work together at Points International.
Notes, Links, and Corrections
- A gantt chart plans work over time. It looks like this.
- In a teal organization peoples’ interactions are not limited by their job title.
- Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux
- Coaching the Agile Enterprise by Michael Spayd
- Ana worked in the Republic of Cyprus, a small island (dark green) in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey. (Image by NuclearVacuum. Cropped from original)
- How To Be More Productive by Working Less by Mark Manson. I mistakenly say Marc Maron in the podcast.
- 7 seconds or 11 seconds before the average person gets distracted? In areas where people have access to smartphones, the consensus seems to be under 10 seconds.
- A complete beginner’s guide to learning code:
- Deep Listening (Impact Beyond Words) Podcast.
- Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts.
- More about: Play4Agile, Activity-Based Learning, Systematic Innovation Thinking.
- Mindcamp Canada is “a five-day micro-university” in Orillia, Ontario, in August 2019.
- XP (Extreme Programming) was a precursor to Agile.The Art of Agile Development book
- Read the Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- What is Agile? (2min video)
- The best video on the planet explaining scrum (29min).
- An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide by Michael Sahota
- 6 books from 2018 about Personal Kanban
- Elon Musk’s “3-Step” First Principles Thinking: How to Think and Solve Difficult Problems Like a Genius.
- Systems Thinking
- Unintended consequences, knock-on effects: No such thing as side effects, only effects
- Protecting the team: from eternal pressure, and from themselves
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
- Interesting idea: book yourself an hour every day of quiet work time
- Hispano Tech Community
- LAMBA: Latin American MBA Association
- Women in Lean and Agile
- AgileTO meetup
- Victor Frankle - Man’s Search for Meaning
Closing music: shy kids - Noodie