My Guests Today
Dave Proctor from Mighty Yell, who are making The Big Con: website, Steam.
Steven Smith from Lightning Rod Games, who are making A Fold Apart: website, Steam.
Notes, Links, and Corrections
Dave grew up playing adventure games like Monkey Island and Loom, created by Lucasfilm Games and released in 1990. That same year the studio rebranded to LucasArts.
A Convertible note is a bond that can be converted into shares (or equivalent cash) at some future date. Useful when the company is hard to valuate. Learn more from seedinvest and from Wikipedia.
Xsolla Funding Club “We connect indie developers with capital and technology to self-publish their video game.”
The Canada Media Fund supplies $353 Million annually to support Canadian television and digital media industries. Another example of CMF’s funding is 2019 TV Series The Boys, which was produced in Toronto.
CMF is funding jointly by broadcasters and the federal government. The CRTC obligates companies like Bell, Shaw, and Rogers to pay into the fund. Source: the cbc
Ontario Creates is similar, but focuses on growth/culture only in Ontario.
A Fold Apart received some funding from both of these initiatives.
FTL’s Kickstarter was in March 2012.
The Oculus Quest, a modern VR headset that doesn’t require sensors on the edges of your room.
The Oculus Quest does not require a PC, but it can be connected using a USB-C 3.0 cable. Oculus calls that “Quest + Link”.
Alan Wake is “a video game that feels like a short story that’s presented like a television show” (source). It earned #1 on Time Magazine’s top 10 video games of 2010.
Runbow is “the party platformer you’ve been waiting for”. One of the only shared-screen, 9-player games in existence!
l’éléphant et l’astronaute is a game of elephants with jetpacks and astronauts with swords.
At this point it starts to hail outside our window. Thanks Dave and Steven for braving the weather to be guests on this podcast!
Evolve PR handles video game PR exclusively. Their personality shines through on their website. One of their selling points is, “we try not to suck”.
Contruct is a powerful game creation tool designed specifically for 2D games.
GameSalad is a game development platform, and a good way to learn game design/creation. It has been used in multiple top games on the Apple App store.
OGRE is an open-source rendering engine. A rendering engine (aka renderer) is 1 of many pieces in a game engine.
The above engines/renderers were mentioned in the podcast, but both Dave’s and Steven’s current projects use Unity 3D.
Part of Ontario Creates is the Interactive Digital Media Fund. Part of that is the [Global Market Development] fund (formerly the “export fund”), which helps companies attend international events, like GDC.
The IDM Fund hosts a pre-GDC meetup to ensure studios get the most out of GDC. That’s how Dave and Steven first met.
Rewired is an advanced input system for Unity. It boasts an impressive set of features and both Dave and Steven have good things to say about it.
Shout-out to Game Dev Cafe for being a source of inspiration.
Closing music: Good Kid - Faster. Listen on Spotify, Youtube